
Installing via Conda#

conda (or mamba, a faster conda alternative) is the most recommended way to install CHERAB-Inversion.

conda install -c conda-forge cherab-inversion

Installing with Pip#

If you want install pip, you need to install suitesparse library for scikit-sparse package firstly.

# Linux (Debian/Ubuntu)
sudo apt-get install libsuitesparse-dev

# macOS
brew install suite-sparse

Then, you can install CHERAB-Inversion by pip:

python -m pip install cherab-inversion

Installing for Developper#

If you plan to make any modifications to do any development work on CHERAB-Inversion, and want to be able to edit the source code without having to run the setup script again to have your changes take effect, you can install CHERAB-Inversion on editable mode.

Manually downloading source#

Before install the package, it is required to download the source code from github repository. The source codes can be cloned from the GitHub reporepository with the command:

git clone

The repository will be cloned inside a new subdirectory named as cherab_inversion.

Building and Installing#

Firstly, you need to install dependencies. The easiest way is to create a conda development environment:

conda env create -f environment.yaml
conda activate cherab-inv-dev

you need to build this package using the CLI:

python build

This command enables us to compile cython codes with meson build-tool and put built shared object (.so) files into the source tree. This interface has some options, allowing you to perform all regular development-related tasks (building, building docs, formatting codes, etc.). Here we document a few of the most commonly used options; run python --help or --help on each of the subcommands for more details.

Additionally, to make a path to this package and register it as a cherab namespace package, run the following command:

python install

In this CLI, the setuptools shall install it into the **/site-packages/ directory as a namespace package with the develop (editable) mode.

Alternatively, you can use the meson-python’s editable mode to install this package:

python -m pip install --no-build-isolation --editable .

This editable install enable us to make the editted codes effective without re-installation. Please see meson-python documentation for more details.